It’s quite cool outside this morning. It’s October, my favorite month. It seems that Fall has finally decide to kick in; a birthday gift from the universe I suppose. The green crispness outside my window holds such potential, so many possibilities. Another year doesn’t bring me sadness, doesn’t crush me or send me reeling with grief. It simply feels as though the time has flown by too swiftly. I glanced away for only a millisecond and suddenly I am 58 years old. How strange it seems. Isn’t is funny that when it comes down to it, you really don’t feel much different. Some days I’m still that rebellious 27 year old that did exactly what she wanted to do. Other days, I can’t imagine ever being that crazy girl ….
I suddenly have the need to put words on paper; they spill out so quickly onto the page. There is so much inside me that I need to get out before it slips away. The pages of the past are calling out to be; today I shall take a walk into the world of my memories. I shall go back and revisit all the things that came together to make the puzzle that is me. So as my eyes watch the birds enjoying the birdbath outside my window, my mind will wander back through time. As the squirrels scamper about, and leap crazily from one tree to another, I will replay all the little moments in time that created who I am in the here and now. I will smile, and perhaps laugh as I recall joyous bits of my past. I will allow the tears to flow as I feel the painful times, the grief of loss. And I will be blissful as I recall being that fearless 27 year old who fearlessly leaped out into the world. Although she struggled to keep her head above water, she had great appreciation for every moment. She enjoyed every second and experienced everything in vivid color. That was the moment in time that I was exactly who I was, no apologies and no regrets. I felt everything deeply and faced the world with no fear at all. Such a brief and fabulous time in my life. Every now and then, I catch a little glimpse of “DJ” and wish I could recapture the essence of that carefree soul. And now, I feel tears streaming down my face. I’m not sad, just wishing I could go back and feel that strong sense of self I had then. I honestly can’t put my finger on what happened, why I lost that part of me…
So, my dear friends, take a moment as you begin each day. Allow yourself to drift back to that time in your life when you were the most pure form of yourself. Take joy in recalling what a fabulous time it was, and try with all your being to recapture that “strong sense of self” if you’ve lost it. I know that’s what I will be working towards today, tomorrow, and each day this year. It’s important, it’s something we all need a firm grasp on. For me, October is Face Your Fear month. I’m working through my list. It’s not easy, but it’s necessary for me. I need to be able to look that fearless 27 year old rebel that I was in the eye. I need to tell her how awesome she really was, even if she didn’t know it at the time. I want her to know just how much I need to get back in touch with her. For, you see, I still am that crazy girl. My age shouldn’t define who I have to be. I’m allowed, I’ve earned the right to be myself.
I leave you with the simple request that you try very hard to have a “strong sense of self”. Each of us has a bright light within, it doesn’t have to dim with each passing year. You are fabulous, you are fearless, you are unique!
Brightest Blessings! Have a beautiful day! Much love and light from MamaOwl aka Debbie