10/24/16 Monday
October is nearly over, November is closing in. I am simply trying to break even before the new month begins. Sometimes everything goes as planned. Other times, not so much. October was a blend of bumps and perfection, which is fine by me.
I was able to accomplish somethings I had on my Goals List. I love Mind Mapping, it's fun and quite useful. It makes me happy that I was able to not only share this love, but imprint it upon others who took it to a higher level! I was able to work through lots of notes and a few prototypes to get the skeleton of my Focus Notebook ready to be shared in my Project Group as well. Again, I was pleasantly surprised to see it was not only received well, it inspired lots of new ideas. Each person was able to take that basic notebook and tweak it to their needs. I love learning new things, and I love creating new things and sharing them. The bonus for me is that I can pass on a practical tool to someone else, and then they can make the tool their own. That, to me, is a fabulous thing!
All the October Projects won't be completed, but I'm good with that. I prefer to work at an easy pace and let others follow along as they are able. No real catching up is required. My ongoing work along will slide on over to November, along with a couple of projects that simply required a bit more time. I don't feel stressed, I don't feel that I failed. I simply feel that I adjudged things as needed as I went along, and that is the way it should be for me. That is what works best for me personally.
November is going to be filled with a lot of smaller projects as well as the "Travel" project I have been wanting to do for such a long time! Finally - and I am really excited!
Brightest Blessings! Much Love and Light from MamaOwl