Back in mid August, roughly a month ago, I began to feel very out of sync in a Facebook Group. It wasn't a bad group, I just felt like I didn't need to be there anymore. So, I made a post on my timeline that I was going through the groups I was part of, and leaving some behind as they just weren't who I was anymore. A lot of friends read that post. At some point, it became a very long conversation between me and three friends. Another friend chimed in briefly that we should just start our own group. A bit later, we took the conversation private and started chatting about just that! We batted around lots of ideas about what we wanted the group to be, what the name would be, and how we would go about it. Before the conversation was even over, one of the four of us had already created a Facebook Group with our chosen name. Totally mind boggling how fast it all happened!
Surprisingly the group has grown quite naturally. We wanted to have a group that welcomed diversity, empowered women to love themselves for who they truly are, and give each of those women a true voice in the group. Our rules are quite simple, actually - we ask that you practice Kindness and Respect toward each other - those are the two things that are non negotiable! It's a fast paced group at times, we have a lot going on (lots of Projects to take part in if you choose). We are Readers and Writers, we are Creatives and Artists, we are both Teachers and Students. The women in our Tribe come from a lot of locations, a lot of backgrounds, and we are in different places in our lives. And yet, we find connection and love and caring within this safe haven we call our Tribe. We find encouragement and balance, we even find ourselves - the real women we hide away at times.
Our Projects September/October include read along groups for chosen books, creative endeavors, and projects showing you how to get it all organized and focused! September has been amazing, and October has great things planned as well. Totally your choice as to whether you participate! I am so incredibly blessed and thankful to be a part of this fabulous group of women. Each and every member is so very dear to me. I am especially thankful to three friends who share in the work that it takes to keep things moving, and grateful that those friends allow me to be who I am, no filter. I love you so much ladies.
In closing, I ask that you think about whether this group might be a "yes" for you. Would you enjoy the fun of a simple Round Table forum for women? We talk about a whole lot of things! If you're interested, look us up on Facebook - Destination Me: Adventures at the Round Table - we would love to have you join us!
Brightest Blessings and Much Love and Light! MamaOwl (aka Debbie)