I feel a little tingle of Fall today. Yeah, I know it's still Summer. But it's like Fall is waiting backstage - getting impatient - waiting to slip into that back row of the chorus line and sing and dance with all it's heart and soul. And yet, it sits there watching, edging in quietly.
The spiders are returning, the red blooms are back. The little hummers are feasting on those tiny red flowers. But I think it's the spiders that are bringing me the strongest message, the reminder that Fall is close. They come back, every year. They just start appearing, spinning their webs. Then they sit in complete stillness until some unsuspecting creature becomes dinner. But so goes the cycle of life.
I'm enjoying my coffee and I can hear the soft singing of my wind chimes. There's just a tiny breeze, yet I'm dreaming ahead to sweaters and boots. In this brief moment, I shall take pleasure in the remnants of Summer, the sweet tease of Fall, and all that is this beautiful day. Each season begins with the anticipation of what it may bring! Cherish the memories that are the past. Be present in each moment that is today. And dream of the days to come. Brightest Blessings my dear friends! Much love and light to you from MamaOwl!