It's been an interesting week. (Yeah the typeface is Comic Sans - I like it, that's what matters.) Human nature is such a funny thing. The definition reads - the attitudes, feelings, and reactions that are typical of most people. Hmmmm ...... what about the others? Are they the only ones who stop and say "What am I doing? Is this really the right things to do? Will my actions cause harm?" You seriously have to wonder .......
Trust is such an incredibly fragile thing. A firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. To believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you. To hope and expect that something is true. Trust is confidence in the honesty and integrity of a person or thing. Trust can be broken in the blink of an eye. Can I trust you? What an incredibly loaded little question.
My daughter has recently lost her trust in people in general. Like me, she chose to always see the good. We were at a McDonalds that we meet at sometimes, it's always been a "trusted" safe place. She slid her messenger bag a little to the back of her shoulder while getting a drink. Someone reached into the front pocket of the bag and quickly slid her phone out and left with it. In that little nanosecond, her trust, her faith in people failed. The trust was broken. I'm quite certain that Karma will pay the thief a visit, but that won't repair the shattered trust.
I am a very private person. I don't generally let people in unless I have faith in them. The past has brought me to this. Trust sometimes comes very slowly, other times I just know they are deserving of my complete trust. Every now and then, I break my own rules and let someone in. Most times it ends badly. I've recently done this again, and now I'm sitting back waiting for the fallout. I see the signs, I feel the deception, the feeling is all too familiar. The distrust is creeping in, the flames of my disappointment burn too brightly. As a Witch, I know that I must keep myself in check or things could take a horribly wrong turn. I choose to douse the flames, and watch things play out. Emotions can be incredibly strong, they can cause great harm if allowed to do so. But that is not me.
Human nature is such a funny thing ...... it can cause people to do incredibly unconceivable things.
Be kind, Be smart, THINK before you act. And please please please - keep those emotions in check. No amount of anger (or passion, etc. ) is worth causing harm and having to live with the consequences of your actions.
Brightest Blessings my dear friends! Much love and light from MamaOwl . . . .