Deciding to leave something you once loved so much is very difficult. I initially started my little business with the name GabrielandGizzy. It was playful and fun like the Dolls and Bags I had in mind at the time. A lot of life has happened since I made that name choice. A while back, I took on the name MamaOwlsEmporium, with a blog called MondaysWithMamaOwl. I added my GabrielandGizzy as a secondary domain, hoping to perhaps resurrect the old dream. Sadly, I can't seem to pull out that dream hat anymore. It's run its course, it's time to tuck it away as a memory. With this little post, I am saying farewell to GabrielandGizzy. I need to move forward and focus on a new dream, the building of MamaOwlsEmporium, including my blog - MondaysWithMamaOwl. I hope you'll join me! Let the magick commence!